4 days

Hi, pardon, may I make an announcement? No, because I don’t really have anything to announce. I DO have stuff to ramble on about though, since I’ve left this on read for 2 months.

First of all, my birthday is 4 days away so until then I am not paying attention to any passage of time. I am the same age, possibly younger, as I was 365 days ago.


Moving on! My whole making weight situation is somewhat moot since I don’t really see myself competing in the near future in either sport that you have to weigh in for. However; I still am frustrated that I can’t control myself. Related to that not competing for stuff, I’m really conflicted on whether I should take some time off of one sport. BJJ specifically. I absolutely love training and learning the sport, but I’m not good and I’m also not really devoting enough time to it to get to the point that I’ll be as good as I want. With that time I could be training for triathlons, which I AM trying to be competitive in. Right now I’m looking for business or individual sponsorships so I can put in proper work with the right gear. If I get bites then that will definitely help me make my decision with less guilt. My goal is to do at least an Ironman 70.3 by next year and have either completed or have a scheduled 100miler. I want to push myself to those extremes and prove I can go the distance, but I need to train for them. I can’t really fit in 10 or so hours a week to prep when I’m already in the gym 11 hours doing other sports. Well, I CAN, but it isn’t really working out according to the number of injuries I’ve accumulated over the last year.

In other news, work is going much more smoothly without having to work with idiots. I will hopefully be finished with CE requirements to sit NBCAAM by January. Then I’m coming to see you Ma-sista! California in January sounds lovely.

There are other things going on that aren’t exactly positive to talk about, so I’m just going to leave those out. I’ll leave those for the mopey post 😉 Wish me luck getting old


About Erin Goes Blah- I rant forever

Ever heard of Erin Go Brah? The horse obviously, not the saying! I'm him, in human form but slightly less successful and well known. Perhaps you've also heard of a man named William Shakespeare? In "A mid-summer nights dream" he says, "though she be but little, she is fierce" in reference to Hermia...I have a little bit of that in my mix too. I'm a 26-year-old big kid with occasional adult tendencies just trying to figure out my place in life. Chronically single and exhausted I am the keeper of two jobs and three pets. With approximately 2 hours of free time per day, ​I tend to use it relaxing- leading to much musings and wonderment. I plan on using this blog to reach out to others, and to my inner conscience to better understand my odd habits and talk myself out of them. I hope to bring attention to those in eating disorder recovery, by being open about my hardships and hurdles. I'm weird, silly and looking for someone to share the love with :)
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